Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Abraham Lincoln Served As The President Of The United States

Abraham Lincoln served as the 16th President of the United States from March of 1861 to April of 1865, when he was assassinated while still president. In the years of Lincolns’ presidency, the United States’ bloodiest war wreaked havoc throughout the nation. This war was the Civil War, and Lincoln lead his country, The United States of America, through it successfully. On April 12th, 1861, the American Civil War officially began, and on May 9th, 1865, it ended. Therefore, almost the entire time Lincoln served as President, the Civil War was happening. Shortly after Lincolns’ inauguration, the United States was on the outbreak of Civil War and some of the southern states were trying to secede from the Union. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican to be the President of the United States of America. The states were trying to secede from the Union because they were opposed to Lincoln becoming president. They did not want him to be president because he was opposed to slavery, which the southern states were in support of. Therefore, when Abraham Lincoln became the president in March, 1861, the southern states began to take secession from the Union into consideration. Lincoln tried to soothe and calm the South by telling them that he was not going to interfere with slavery where it was already in existence in his inauguration speech. Lincoln sai d â€Å"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists.† SouthShow MoreRelatedEssay on Abraham Lincoln - the Greatest President1069 Words   |  5 PagesAbraham Lincoln There have been forty four U.S. presidents over the past two hundred and twenty years. What president has served the best for our country? None other than Abraham Lincoln. 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